Bristol Temple Quarter Spatial Framework

Closes 25 May 2025

Any further comments on the Spatial Framework

This is an example consultation for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

The online survey has been created to predominantly gather feedback on Section 3 ‘The Framework’ as this section contains the plan guidance that will ultimately be used to assess planning applications within the area.

However, if you have any further comments on the document, please use the following comment boxes:

Section 1 – Introduction - key drivers that will shape the Enterprise Zone - steps being taken to simplify the planning process for investors and developers - what the Spatial Framework is – and what it is not – and what its main purpose is
Section 2 – Existing Context - analysis of the baseline facts - physical, economic and social information - the ‘Inherited Environment’ - key issues affecting the Zone – planning context, existing consents, opportunity sites, policy - Temple Meads interchange - summary of challenges and opportunities.
Section 3 – The Framework - a liveable urban quarter by design - placeshaping approach - plan guidance
Section 4 - Scenario testing: key development projects - visualising the Spatial Framework using the 3D model and artist impressions.
Section 5 – Delivering quality places - phasing of development and infrastructure - partnership working - major schemes service - expanding the Enterprise Zone (EZ).